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Passionate Founder

Yvette Anderson

The Vision Empowerment Foundation, Inc. (VEF) is a grassroots nonprofit organization headquartered in Las Vegas, NV, with a mission to positively impact at-risk and underserved individuals and families in the community. Founded in 2020 by Yvette Anderson, VEF is a 501(c)(3) federal tax-exempt organization committed to providing essential support, including food, shelter for the homeless, clothing, furniture, and other services to enrich the community spiritually and intellectually.


VEF's vision is to address social disparities that can negatively impact individuals and families' self-efficacy and self-esteem without discrimination. With Las Vegas's poverty rate above the national average, VEF recognizes the critical need to eradicate poverty and homelessness and bridge the gap between communities and comprehensive support.


VEF assist with local agencies, including the Program Coordinator from Mindoula Health, the Donation Manager of MACC Multi-Agency Coordinator Center, and Child Haven of Las Vegas, to provide comprehensive support and services to program participants and partners.


The foundation's success is built on the professional background of the founder, with more than thirty years as a healthcare professional and the values instilled by their parents at a young age to give back to the community. The officers, advisory board, and advisory volunteers hold multiple higher-level degrees and have decades of experience in the nonprofit sector of business, ensuring VEF is prepared and willing to create and sustain a program that will be a staple of the community.

Each One Teach One. 

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to positively impact the at-risk and underserved individuals and families in our community. We will partner with other organizations and entities to help provide essential support, including food, shelter for the homeless, clothing, furniture, and other services needed to spiritually and intellectually enrich the community, one life at a time.

Image by Hannah Busing

Our Vision

Our vision is to address social disparities that can often have a negative impact on families and individuals' self-efficacy and self-esteem, without discrimination. We aim to eradicate poverty and homelessness in our community and bridge the gap between communities and comprehensive support. Our ultimate goal is to create a community that is empowered, self-sufficient, and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

We Need Your Support Today!

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